Wednesday, April 6, 2022

My thoughts on Disability and Employment

Following up on my employment Blog.  I want to share my thoughts on Disability and employment because lately I have been down that I am 30 and unemployed and even although I have a Disability and don’t necessarily need to work, I do want to.

For me as someone with a Disability, finding a job is one of the hardest things.   Don’t get me wrong, I know everyone finds it hard to get a job these days, but it is more difficult to find a job if you are disabled.


For myself finding a job it isn’t all about the work. I need to think about a lot of things because of my Disability like the facilities in the workplace and the hours because I can just do half time.  When I am job searching, if I see a job that I like I am like, this is good, I like it, but then I see hours then I am, no it isn’t for me.  And it isn’t the first time that I went for an interview, and it went well but at end I said about the equipment I need, like a hoist. I’m usually told they will look into it and get back to me. But they never do.


In my employment Blog, I said that I was a communications assistant for Cerebral Palsy Scotland which was in the centre for people with Cerebral Palsy, so I was comfortable working there because I knew they had good knowledge of Disabilities. When I am job searching, I tend to contact organizations which deal with disabled people, because I think I have a better chance of getting a job with them. But I shouldn’t have to be like that, because in 2022 disabled people should be able to work anywhere and employers should be willing to employ disabled people and make changes to the workplace for people if needed.

When I was working at Cerebral Palsy Scotland, my job was funded by somewhere else and while it was good at time when the funded finished and I lost my job so Cerebral Palsy Scotland shouldn’t paid themselves.  I know small charities like Cerebral Palsy Scotland or TAG needs funding to keep going but at the same time they need staff so why not employed disabled people and not when they have funding?


I see job searching like a long hallway which has a lot of doors that you need to open every one to try and many will be closed in your face but it is OK because some day I don’t know when, but some day you open a door and it is for you.  I really hope that it will happen to me.

Even although I have a lot of barriers   getting a job, but I will keep pushing until I find the right job for me.


Written by Jill

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