Wednesday, February 16, 2022

My Inside Central Station Diary

 This a diary that I kept when I was appearing on Inside Central Station in 2021

There's a good programme called “Inside Central Station” on the BBC Scotland channel every year. The programme showcases what happens inside Glasgow Central Station on a daily basis, and it also tells the history behind Central Station. It is a really interesting programme. I love it. Often when I was watching it, I thought to myself, “Don't they ever show or talk about their Changing Places toilet? I know it is just a toilet, but it is a really important facility to have, and Glasgow Central was the first station in Scotland to get a Changing Places toilet.”  

I didn't think any more of it after the series had finished… I am in Glasgow Central every week to use the Changing Places, and in June or July when I was in the station, one of my carers said, “Look, that sign says they are filming for ‘Inside Central Station,’” and I thought to myself, “mmm… I wonder if they are including something in about their Changing Places… mmm, I might email them.” 

It took me a few weeks to get around to emailing them, because I had a lot on. I got around to sending the email at last. In the email, I explained how I saw the sign for “Inside Central Station” and how I come in to the station every week to use their Changing Places. I also asked whether they had ever thought to include their Changing Places in the programme. I got an answer back quite quickly, saying they had included a bit about Disability before on the programme, but that they would pass my email on. I just thought, “OK, it was worth a try!”  

It was later that day when I got another email from someone who works on the programme and they asked me to explain more, which I did. Then, they asked me if I would appear on the programme, and I said yes because this would be good awareness of Changing Places toilets.  I had a Zoom meeting with the people who do the filming for the programme, to talk through everything they want. This was exciting and I was dying to tell everyone and put on The Toilet Woman Facebook page, but I was asked to keep it quiet for just now. 

On the day before the filming, when I was putting sentences to say for the programme into my talker, I was nervous because I was going to talk on the television and not just in front of few people and I thought to myself, “That's just crazy! Being on the television, talking about the toilets… but there is a lot worse on television!” 

On the 4th of August I got filmed, it took two hours to do but I really enjoyed it, even although I was dead nervous.  I talked about Changing Places toilets first and then talked with the woman from the Ability point and we walked around the station, talking about disability access. It was quite interesting. Well, I did my bit! Just need to wait until October or November to watch the programme…

We are in October and still nothing about when I am on the programme yet. I have emailed the lady who did the filming to see if there any news, but she hasn't got back to me yet. Oh well, I need just to wait. I am speaking at a conference this week about my campaign, and I am dying to say about being on “Inside Central Station”, but I’d better not. I just need to wait a bit longer…

Well, my talk went well last week. I answered questions after it, and someone asked, ‘What is next for me?’. I needed to say, just watch out for the programme called “Inside Central Station”. I didn't say anything about me being on it, did I? Hehe! Also, I got an email back just saying no date yet, but it will be later in the year. Well, this is October, so it won't be too long now surely!

IT IS COMING SOON, WOOOHOOO!  I was just sitting and waiting for my dinner tonight and BBC1 was on, and it came on that “Inside Central Station” is coming on soon! I still need to find what episode it is that I am on. It is exciting!

So, I have emailed the lady this morning saying that I saw that it is coming soon and asking what episode it is that I am on… and she got back to me quite quick and said that I am Episode 6! So, I asked her what date it would be on, and also asked if I can put it on my social media channels, but she hasn't answered yet, so I need to stay quiet a bit longer until she gets back to me, but I AM ON “INSIDE CENTRAL STATION”, EPISODE 6!!!

Well, we have a date, yes, I am on the programme “Inside Central Station” on the BBC Scotland channel on the 12th of December talking about my Changing Places campaign!!! As soon as I knew the date, I put it on all of my social media channels and got great responses. I am trying to not to get too excited about it, but I am! When you are campaigning for something, it is hard to be quiet about it. Without being big-headed, I want everyone to watch it and learn about Changing Places toilets!

I just created an event on Facebook for my “Inside Central Station” appearance. I know I might be daft creating an event for a television programme, but this is a big thing for my campaign! 

I have just said to my carers that I can't believe that it is next Sunday when I am on Inside Central Station weeee!!  We have been watching the whole series and it is very interesting. I love when they show the history of the station. At the end of each episode, they show what is happening next week. So, when it showed this Sunday then Mum said, ‘I wonder if they will show you on what happens next?’. I might be! 

5 days to go!!
To be honest, even although I am looking forward to seeing it, I am also getting quite nervous. I wish I could see it before everyone else, but hey ho! What it will be, it will be. I contacted a few newspapers to see if they wanted to do an article about me appearing on Inside Central Station and the Evening Times got back to me and to ask a few questions. I am just waiting to hear back from them.

Well tonight is the night!!!! I am excited and nervous.  my social media is mad today, especially my Twitter. I hope they won't be disappointed. I was hoping to have an article in the Evening Times before tonight but not to be. Here’s hoping Inside Central Station is good tonight. 

The day after!!! Well, it was great. When I watched it last night, I never took all in and I was wondering if it covered everything , but I watched it again this morning and I am very pleased and proud of it. I just hope a lot of people learnt something from watching it. 

Thinking back to last summer when I sent that first email, I am very glad that I did it. It is a true saying that if you don't try you won't know, would you? As a campaigner you’ve got to try everything and anything to get your word across. You may at times feel like a pain but you are doing it for a good cause, like myself with my changing places campaign.

You can watch Inside Central Station on BBC iPlayer.

Written by Jill 

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