Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 Inclusion is one of my favourite words. I use the word a lot especially when I am campaigning for Human Rights. So, in this Blog I am talking about what inclusion is, why it is important and what makes better inclusion. 

What is Inclusion? Inclusion means being able to get involved or take part in anything you want to take part in. No barriers, either physical or emotional. Not feeling shut out. Feeling wanted.  Feeling that you and your contribution is valued. Making people feel included.
Inclusion is really important because everyone is the same in a way, so everyone should be included in anything that they want, especially disabled people. As I have a disability myself, I feel strongly included. Even although I have a disability and maybe have some more needs than other people, I am still a human being. I should able to be included in anything that I want and that goes for every disabled person.

Over the years I have had some bad and good experiences of inclusion. The bad experiences have been when there hasn't been toilets that I could use or when I can't get on buses or in a taxi or I can't get in to buildings when there isn't disabled access or I can't get my nails done because I can't keep hands still or even when people don't want to talk to me or listen to me . But there is always a good side of everything.

I have experienced a lot of good inclusion. Good examples that I have experienced are:
Being included within my family and friends 
Being able to go a lot of places where there is good disabled access and a Changing Places toilet 
Being able to communicate and to be heard 
Going to a place and get my nails with no problem 
I know a very good example of inclusion and that is TAG.  When TAG started it was mainly for people with learning disabilities, but TAG is all about inclusion and welcomes people with all types of disabilities and people who want to make a difference. My fellow TAG member help my voice to be heard and support me to make a difference through my campaigning. I must say that you feel very included when you are at TAG.

Can we make the world more inclusive? Well we can be nice to each other and making everyone feel included in everything and we can campaign for disabled access in places like for changing places toilets.

Everyone is human being and it’s our right to be included!

Written by Jill 

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